Monday, June 10, 2013


Our graduating students get inducted next week!yaaaayy! To we med students,this means only one thing;FOOD!and free gifts/freebies.its a yearly ritual which you dare not miss.I experienced my first in 2009,was still in my preclinicals was beautiful!the procession,the hippocratic oath(I swear to blah blah blah,one day I would post it on this blog,very funny oath),the proud parents and family members,the tears,the drummers,annd the FOOD!it was really beautiful
It usually starts with the induction proper,inductees are only allowed in with two people.we jst chill outside with our big bags waiting for the spoil.outside on the lawn are canopies spread out with names of each doctors tagged on it.then they come out with smiles,tv reporters everywhere,everybody hailing them,paparazi here and drum,talking drummers praising them anyhow they could to get money, and then FOOD!I mean food which you can pile up in your fridge and keep microwaving for days
Yes,the food is always crazy mehn,everywhere food,drinks,pastries and then so many souvenirs they make for us medical students as memoirs for us to remember them by.
We stage this 'wardround' where we file from tent to tent,and the 'consultant' tells some funny jokes,wishes them the best and then they give us our 'right'.it actually funnier than this,seriously.they all did it too at every induction through their stay in school,we all just catch the fun together.
We stuff our bags with every goodie we could lay our hands on(most times the bags are never big enough),dance with them,gist and play well.then we remember we have a real wardround the next day or a coming EOP annd so many stuffs unread.
Its not just about the food really(actually its about the food mostly,lol),seeing these guys in their induction gowns,relieved and happy, is a huge source of motivation.these are the same ones we stood for hours at rounds together,the same guys consultants would say 'you must have sawdust in your brains for that stupid answer' to,the same ones they called 'medical students',they are now doctors!
I get tired annd angry a lot, med school is one crazy road,but I know there is a God who saw these ones through.He would see me through too.
Wishing class of '13 a successful and outstanding practice.would miss you guys!

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